Kardelen Tekstil Kozm

Şirket Hakkında
About US
Our Company is a young and dynamic company that can provide all hamam, spa and beauty products .

Our main concern is Turkish Hamam Concept and Turkish Hamam-Spa Products. Our motto is “We do not only sell cosmetics but we also contribute your healthcare” Hamam , or Turkish bath stands for far more than getting a leisurely bath or cleansing. It is a rite and a ritual in which the elements are harnessed for the cleansing and purification of the body. Since it’s creation, the Turkish bath has been much more than just a place to cleanse the skin. Women as well as men frequented the “hamam”, as the bath is known in Turkish, although of course, at separate hours. Main Hamam and spa products products that we provide;

-Peshtemal (Ottoman Towel): The peshtamal absorbs water as fast as a towel, dries very quickly, takes up less space and easy to carry and is therefore used as an alternative to the towel in bathrooms, pools, spas, beaches, sport facilities and for baby care. Peshtamals are;

-Cotton peshtamals

-Linen Peshtamals

-Bamboo Peshtamals

-Linen-Cotton Peshtamal

Our peshtemals are totally natural and has no polyester.

-Natural Hamam Soaps We have a wide range of soaps which are natural. Hamam soaps are olive oil based. We also have fruit soaps and other natural soaps such as bittim which is specific to Anatolia region.

Hamam Massage Oils and Creams: We have a big range of massage oils and creams which were made for a spa-hamam pleasure.

Another unique product is rosewater and rose derivative skincare products.
Another important product group is Kese (Mitt). They are totally natural. We also have a goathair kese which is a perfect instrument for cellulite treatment.
Pair of wooden clogs, in Turkish “Nalin or Takunya”, of which there were many varied types.
Furthermore, we deal with traditional gifts such as coffee sets, ewers, evil eye, magnets etc. Based on the quantity we can produce your own design that means we have privat
Kardelen Tekstil Kozm
Ürün-Hizmetleri Hakkında
Şirket henüz bilgi girişi yapmamış
İletişim Bilgileri
Firma: Kardelen Tekstil Kozm
Sektörü: Tekstil / Giyim » Havlu / Bornoz
İkincil Sektörü:Kimya / Kozmetik / Plastik » Kişisel Bakım
Yetkili Kişi: muhammet demirci
Adres: Selvi sok. şile istanbul
Şehir: İstanbul
Ülke: Türkiye
Telefon: (555) - 6929667
Web Sitesi: www.hamamtamam.com
Tanımlayıcı Kelimeler
Hamam bowls are traditional products used in hamam. In general they are made of copper. The hammered patterns are authentic. In one sense, it is a se...
100% natural handmade peshtemals without any polyester. They are made of bamboo. Peshtemal is well known for its fast drying, absorbing and anti bact...
İlan Talep ve Teklifleri
Firma henüz ticari talep/teklif girmemiş
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Kardelen Tekstil Kozm firma sayfasını firma rehberi, ürün katalogu, talep ve ilan hizmeti sunan Turk Business Center'da 24-07-2013 tarihinde oluşturdu. Siz de firma ekleyebilirsiniz.

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