Mplast Ppr Pipes Fittings Ltd

Şirket Hakkında
Mplast being among the leader (polypropylene) pprc plastic pipe systems and components manufacturers, has been improving the security and comfort of the healthy superstructure installations, structural and industrial constructions transmitting capacity and industries in Europe by making the production with a passion to catch the excellence and professionalization in the quality since its days of establishment.

Being among the big industrial institutions in Bulgaria, Mplast started the production with the polypropylene pipe systems and components and later gave a speed to investments in infrastructure systems. Mplast continues its activities with two main areas as pprc pipe systems and components infrastructure and superstructure. This leader brand marked with its work with super structure in all areas, Mplast keeps holding its leadership position in the world.
Mplast Ppr Pipes
Ürün-Hizmetleri Hakkında
Şirket henüz bilgi girişi yapmamış
İletişim Bilgileri
Firma: Mplast Ppr Pipes Fittings Ltd
Sektörü: İnşaat / Emlak » İnşaat Malzemeleri
İkincil Sektörü:İnşaat / Emlak » Tesisat
Yetkili Kişi: Mustafa Cetinkaya
Adres: Plovdiv 4023 Asenovgradsko Shose Str.3 Bulgaristan
Şehir: İstanbul
Ülke: Türkiye
Telefon: (545) - 3167135
Web Sitesi:
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İlan Talep ve Teklifleri
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Mplast Ppr Pipes Fittings Ltd firma sayfasını firma rehberi, ürün katalogu, talep ve ilan hizmeti sunan Turk Business Center'da 19-07-2017 tarihinde oluşturdu. Siz de firma ekleyebilirsiniz.

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