Pg Bond Alumınıum Composıte Panels

Şirket Hakkında
ART AND TECHNOLOGY INTERTWINED Behind the intact material composition and neatly designed outer finishing of PG Bond Aluminium Composite Panels lie two factor creative art and constantly up to date technology. Assembled with the finest and robust European materials PG Bond Aluminium Composite Panels help to define a new sale concept in aluminium sector by reducing the material and labor cost and keeping the quality level and guarantee period at maximum at the same time. With the factory located in Turkeys most strategic commercial center PG Bond imports its aluminium sheets and inner filling material from Europes most known providers in the sector, Netherlands and Norway. These materials are interweaved through the most technological production lines intended for uttermost quality purposes and the finished product is coated with the most permanent PE or PVDF painting against corrosion and scratching. Each panel, which is already internationally certified, is tested four times under high quality standards after each manufacturing phase for bowing and bending flexibility, and against corrosion to meet the international standards. Selected among diverse tones of each natural and digital color, the dyes and patterns on the surface are designated afterwards by special design team in accordance with international market needs. During this process, each drawing assistant or special team member makes efforts to create the most artistic and concrete appearance in order for the panels to be fit onto any type of surface or facade. Setting its paces slowly and firmly, PG Bond is marketing its products to more than 25 countries with the European countries being in the first rows. Along with the quality and integrity of its materials, thanks to its 70000 square meter production capacity and competitive prices in its national market, it has already reached up to 500 promising clients and had a prospective client port folio that includes serious partners and buyers. Blending its sa
Pg Bond Alumınıum
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Firma: Pg Bond Alumınıum Composıte Panels
Sektörü: İnşaat / Emlak » İnşaat Malzemeleri
İkincil Sektörü:İnşaat / Emlak » Cephe Kaplama
Yetkili Kişi: Erhan Gulsen
Adres: Ferhatpaşa Mah. Fevzi Çakmak Cad. No: 124 Atsehir Istanbul
Şehir: İstanbul
Ülke: Türkiye
Telefon: (216) - 6661662
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Pg Bond Alumınıum Composıte Panels firma sayfasını firma rehberi, ürün katalogu, talep ve ilan hizmeti sunan Turk Business Center'da 21-10-2010 tarihinde oluşturdu. Siz de firma ekleyebilirsiniz.

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