Shenzhen Matrix Akü Co.,ltd.

Şirket Hakkında
CO is considered a hot MATRIX BATTERY SHENZHEN. A well-known corporate catering DRY TYPE BATTERY (DRY BATTERIES). MATRIX BATTERY companies "are managed by, DRY BATTERIES a manufacturer in the field. Our companys tradition of innovation in protecting those who believe the quality and reliability of products and services through. During the year, with high quality BATTERY colorful of the industry needs has to be. Year Founded in 1999, the companys customer-focused approach and manufacturing expertise, one came through. The following events this why some good time jobs that offer DRY TYPE BATTERY comes: There is such a perspective provides a Range Products Biz BATTERY DRY TYPE, and various series offer. 12V7AH BATTERY High-grade materials, 12V4AH, 12V2.2AH , 12V1.2AH, 12V65AH, 12V100AH, etc. Our 6V4.5AH BATTERY strength, durability and reliable performance .. such as synonymous and specifications produced by you, we design as per demand are capable of catering.
Shenzhen Matrix Akü
Ürün-Hizmetleri Hakkında
Şirket henüz bilgi girişi yapmamış
İletişim Bilgileri
Firma: Shenzhen Matrix Akü Co.,ltd.
Sektörü: Elektrik / Elektronik » Pil
İkincil Sektörü:Enerji » Akü
Yetkili Kişi: Mr.Gary Ge
Adres: Room1716 Hualian Building NO.2008 ShenNanZhong Road Futian District
Şehir: Shenzhen
Ülke: Çin
Telefon: (755) - 8393362
Faks: (755) - 2805548
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Shenzhen Matrix Akü Co.,ltd. firma sayfasını firma rehberi, ürün katalogu, talep ve ilan hizmeti sunan Turk Business Center'da 02-02-2010 tarihinde oluşturdu. Siz de firma ekleyebilirsiniz.

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